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Cord Blood and the Future of Organ Regeneration

How Cord Blood is Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment

“Today’s approval is an important advance in cell therapy treatment in patients with blood cancers,” Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. “Hastening the return of the body’s white blood cells can reduce the possibility of serious or overwhelming infection associated with stem cell … Read more

How to Choose the Best Cord Blood Bank for Your Family

Top Myths About Cord Blood Banking Debunked

The promising results obtained in a clinical trial with a pioneering advanced therapy drug named PeriCord, which aims to repair the heart of patients who have suffered a heart attack, confirm the feasibility of new therapies based on the application of stem cells and tissue engineering to promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. This new … Read more

Cord Blood Banking: A Guide for Expecting Parents

The Role of Cord Blood in Personalized Cancer Treatment

If the pressure in the portal vein becomes too high (mostly as a result of liver diseases, like alcohol cirrhosis) pressure builds in the connecting vessels too. Veins have thinner walls than arteries and tend to balloon under pressure. As a result, the normally small veins around the navel dilate in size and become visible … Read more

What Parents Should Know About Cord Blood Banking

cord blood banking

What Parents Should Know About Cord Blood Banking Millions of parents have paid to bank blood from their infants’ umbilical cords. But storage companies have misled them about the cells’ promise. Is cord blood banking a worthwhile investment in your child’s future? The birth of a baby comes with an overwhelming number of decisions, one … Read more

Cord Blood: A Valuable Resource in Transplant Medicine

Cord Blood: A Valuable Resource in Transplant Medicine

Cord blood, collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth, is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which can develop into various types of blood cells. These stem cells are invaluable in treating a range of diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood disorders. Cord blood transplants offer a viable alternative to bone … Read more

The Cost of Cord Blood Banking: Is It Worth the Investment?

The Cost of Cord Blood Banking Is It Worth the Investment

Despite the fact that the pandemic is over, the study and the results are of great importance for health care professionals offering counseling, authorities issuing recommendations, and above all, for anyone who will become pregnant in the future, says Mikael Norman. Cord blood banking involves the collection, processing, and storage of cord blood for potential … Read more

How Cord Blood is Transforming Pediatric Care

How Cord Blood is Transforming Pediatric Care

“Our study is the first to look at such a large sample size and examine the entire epigenome, so it’s not just looking at the stress control genes as in previous studies, it’s looking at all the epigenomic sites available right now that you can study,” she says. The research examines five separate categories of … Read more

Understanding the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Cord Blood Banking

“Coprococcus and Akkermansia muciniphila have potential protective effects. These bacteria were correlated with important substances in the stool, such as vitamin B and precursors to neurotransmitters which play vital roles orchestrating signaling in the brain. Overall, we saw deficits in these bacteria in children who later received a developmental neurological diagnosis,” says Angelica Ahrens, Assistant … Read more

The Science Behind Cord Blood: A Lifesaving Resource

Some private UK biobanks may be misleading expectant parents about the value of storing umbilical cord blood to treat life-threatening diseases that may arise in their child in the future, reveals an investigation by The BMJ. Over the past decade, growing numbers of parents have chosen to store blood from the umbilical cord, which contains … Read more