The Impact of Cord Blood on Treating Neurological Disorders – Dcool Official Website

The Impact of Cord Blood on Treating Neurological Disorders

Study authors say raising awareness of UCM as a Umbilical cord blood contains oxygen and beneficial nutrients for newborns, experts say. Doctors may delay clamping a newborn’s umbilical cord to pass nutrients through their cord if they have poor breathing or a low heart rate immediately after birth.

A study found that umbilical cord milking (UCM), an alternative method of transferring cord blood where a doctor squeezes the umbilical cord toward the infant before clamping, does not cause long-term harm.

Researchers assessed 971 children’s communication, motor skills, problem-solving, and social skills across 10 U.S. medical centers. Study authors found that children who received UCM at birth were no more likely to have neurological challenges two years after the procedure compared to those who received early cord clamping.

“The short- and long-term benefits point to UCM as a safe alternative for ensuring weakened newborns can live a full, healthy life,” said Anup Katheria, MD, physician at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns and presenting author. “UCM is a no-cost option for obstetricians to preserve the health and well-being of children.”
safe option for supporting weakened newborns is important to promoting equity among resource-limited settings.

The results of a pioneering study support the safety of the bioimplants called PeriCord, made from stem cells of the umbilical cord and pericardium from a tissue donor, which aid in the regeneration and revascularization of the affected area. The study has monitored seven interventions of this pioneering tissue engineering surgery over three years, noting excellent biocompatibility and no rejection in patients.

The therapy has been developed by the research group ICREC (Heart Failure and Cardiac Regeneration) at Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and Banc de Sang i Teixits (BST). PeriCord has anti-inflammatory properties and opens the door to creating other drugs for conditions beyond the heart.

Now, a study in mice led by former team members Drs. Marissa Lithopoulos and Lannae Strueby, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, shows that tiny particles released by these MSCs called extra-cellular vesicles are just as good at preventing BPD. Known as MSC-EVs or nanotherapies, these nano-sized particles have similar effects to MSCs but are easier to manufacture, store, and dose. Unlike MSCs, they can cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning they can travel into the brain after being injected into the blood stream. The researchers saw evidence that some MSC-EVs did reach the brain in this study, though most traveled to the lungs.

Not only did MSC-EVs prevent lung injury in this study, they also prevented brain injury. This was the first study to show that BPD impairs some of the key functions of brain stem cells. Brain stem cells can become all the different cells in the brain, and play an important role in brain development.

This study comes as Dr. Thébaud and his research team prepare to launch a phase I clinical trial to test the feasibility and safety of using MSCs to treat premature babies with BPD. They hope to evaluate MSC-EVs in future clinical trials.

“A therapy that improves lung and brain health would immensely benefit preterm babies with this chronic lung disease,” says Dr. Thébaud, neonatologist and senior scientist at The Ottawa Hospital and CHEO and professor at the University of Ottawa.

It’s an uncommon outcome for any pregnancy but women with COVID-19 face an elevated risk. Authorities believe vaccination can help prevent these cases.

Researchers in 12 countries, including the United States, analyzed placental and autopsy tissue from 64 stillbirths and four newborns who died shortly after birth. The cases all involved unvaccinated women who had COVID-19 during their pregnancy.

Researchers analyzed the results of scientific studies carried out in the past 30 years and found out that the gelatin of Wharton’s jelly can be used in two different aspects. First of all, some parts of it are a source of stem cells that can further turn into bone, cartilage, or fat cells. Such stem cells are called mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), and the properties of MSC originating from the umbilical cord exceed even those extracted from bone marrow.

Secondly, Wharton’s jelly is used to treat cornea burns and other wounds. All extra cells are removed from it, and only the extracellular matrix is left. The matrix surrounds all cells of a tissue, keeps them in one place, and unites them into one system. It consists mainly of collagen and fibrin and also contains hyaluronic acid. Extra liquid is removed as well, and the jelly is applied to the damaged area to accelerate tissue restoration. RUDN researchers also described other umbilical cord applications that have been recorded in several recent decades. For example, fragments of umbilical cord vessels are used as prosthesis of blood vessels, to restore neural tissue, dental sack tissue, and muscles.

“Umbilical cord tissues have been considered absolutely useless for many years. They were viewed as medical waste. We’ve gathered together all existing evidence to confirm that cryoconservation of the umbilical cord tissues may be of use for further clinical application. Our research shows that the demand for this procedure may grow in the near future,” added Timur Fatkhudinov.

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